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Workshops? Yep we've got 'em. And they're customizable

L.E.A.D. (Leadership Exploration and Development)

What’s the difference between management and leadership? How do great leaders develop followership? This workshop will help managers learn how to communicate better, deliver difficult feedback, and inspire and motivate their teams on the road to becoming a better leader.

Haptic Practices for the Centered Leader

Help your employees manage stress, increase creativity and handle conflict better through Haptic Practices. This workshop teaches the touch-based techniques that combine the scientifically-proven benefits of breath work with those of human touch, giving employees a quick and easy way to re-center themselves throughout the day that doesn’t require a masseuse or a Reiki master.

Team Birkman

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With over 65 years of proven reliability and validity, The Birkman Method is a scientifically developed, multi-dimensional assessment tool designed to help understand oneself and others – in and out of the workplace. The Birkman Team Building Workshop can provide a valuable competitive advantage for a team or organization as a whole. Individual assessment profiles provide a deeper understanding of strengths and weaknesses on a team, giving managers and executives a new, less-judgmental perspective, as well as a common language and tools with which to better communicate and navigate conflict and difficult situations, enabling teams to work better together.