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Leadership Assessment

We help companies make well-informed, objective, data-driven talent decisions – for both leadership assessment and succession planning – that are critical to organizational success.

Our Process

While each Leadership Assessment program is specially designed to meet the unique goals and challenges of each client, a typical Leadership Assessment engagement includes the following elements:

Organizational Assessment: We start by understanding what a Leadership Success Profile looks like for your organization….What does it mean to be a great leader in the company? What are the desired competencies and candidate attributes? How does each candidate compare and contrast in terms of strengths and opportunities? How can we leverage individual strengths to ensure organizational success?

Psychometric Assessment: Birkman or Hogan tools are also used to assess the leader's behavioral strengths, motivations, cultural fit, areas to watch and stress behaviors.

360 degree Feedback: If applicable, qualitative and quantitative input is gathered through in-depth, confidential, one-on-one interviews with managers, peers, business partners, clients and subordinates.

Leader Self-Assessment: By interviewing the leaders themselves, we gain a deeper understanding of their leadership skills and how they compare and contrast with other candidates, allowing us to provide insight into their strengths and potential areas for development as it relates to fulfilling the Leadership Success Profile for your organization.

Overall Assessment: Having assessed the entire bench of executives against your organization's Leadership Success Profile, we deliver a comprehensive, non-biased view of overall potential and suggestions for how to best leverage your candidates to achieve success.