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Our executive coaching is focused on one thing: Helping leaders become more effective at achieving their business objectives. We do this by uncovering the root causes of conflicts that they're unable to identify on their own, and supporting them to take effective action with renewed focus, awareness, and drive.



Our Process

While each Executive Coaching program is specially designed to meet the unique goals and challenges of each client, a typical coaching engagement includes the following elements:

Personality Assessment: Birkman or Hogan tools are used to assess the coachee's behavioral strengths, motivations, expectations and stress behaviors.

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"720 degree Feedback": In-depth, confidential, one-on-one interviews with a 360 perspective of managers, peers, business partners, clients and subordinates used to gain additional insight into a leader's strengths and development opportunities. But we don't stop there. A second or follow-up 360 feedback-gathering exercise is conducted midway through the coaching process and is critical to gauge the progress and determine where to keep or shift the focus.

Development Plan: A comprehensive map to address the coachee's leadership development opportunities and leverage their strengths. The Development Plan clearly lays out action steps, stakeholders, timing, and follow-up measures of success.

One-on-One Coaching: Ongoing leadership development coaching and feedback (3-12 months) addressing the opportunities outlined in the Development Plan. This may include managing internal conflict, improving communication, team building, managing change, building self-awareness and self-management or help with strategic planning.